Wednesday, 30 May 2012

"insert clever quote about getting organised"

ORGANISATION IS KEY... or so Michelle says and so I'm taking that key and opening up doors! My first step was to mark all my red flagged days - these include my birthday, my boyfriends birthday, my snow trip, my colonoscopy (ew I know) and my mid year work function. I decided to create a folder with tabs for each pre season task and each week of the 12wbt to store the emails/ recipes/ menus/ exercise plans etc. I also marked out exactly when I will be working out which is mornings Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday at the gym, Tuesday night at gym and Saturdays at home/park. I decided to give myself an extra advantage by putting up motivational signs all around my house, here's an example of my bedroom door :)

It feels great to get organised, I'm so nervous/excited about getting started but I feel in control and that feels fantastic.

Cheese out xx


  1. The folder is a rad idea. I have one that I keep all the recipes in. I also make sure that when we have a recipe that is great I write it's rating out of 10 so in the future I remember. Also little notes like: "Needs more herbs".etc etc
