Friday, 18 May 2012

I Alanna, take you, 12wbt, to be my lawful diet bible

To exercise and to eat, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, while we both shall live.

That’s right. I am committing to the 12wbt and saying “I DO”. I’m committing to eating healthy, to exercising 6 days a week, to being determined to lose 25kg, to changing my life and my attitude. This diet is no one night stand, its forever. It will be there to see me look like a zombie at 5.30 in the morning and to see me shrink in size and it will work for me. In return I will be the perfect wife, I will be honest and faithful, I will push through the hard times to see the good and I will not cheat.  I commit to all you reading that I will do this, I will inspire you all, as you inspire me. You have my word – and that word is “cheese”. Mmmm cheese.

In all seriousness though, I plan to be a girl of my word and I plan to do this for myself and for you. Tonight I will commit to my family and my boyfriend – luckily I’m no commitment-phobe! It does feel good to tell people you are in this all the way and that there is no turning back – I’m jumping on the bandwagon and pushing forward – actually who pushes bandwagons these days? Let’s make that a helicopter.... I am flying my helicopter all the way to success. I may lose concentration and hit a tree, but in the end you have to keep on chopping!

So who’s with me?!  

(you better have all just jumped in my imaginary helicopter, it has guns and I know where you live)

Cheese out xx


  1. I'm with you!!!

    1. Great to have you on board Amanda! I'll be following your blog!
