Friday, 4 May 2012

Introductions: Hi I'm Alanna and I'm a cheese addict.

Why stop there? Im also an all round food addict, an excuse-aholic and a quitter. It’s for those reasons that I’m here ready to start the Michelle Bridge’s 12 Week Body Transformation. From what I gather I go into a time machine and in 12 weeks I’m transformed into a sexy goddess. Right? Wrong!

For the next 12 weeks I’m going to be working my double kardasian butt off and giving up my precious cheese and through the entire process I’ll be blogging here about the good, the bad and the ugly vision of me running down the street in lycra!

So here’s my introduction - my names Alanna, I’m 20 years old and I’m fat. Yep the dreaded F word. You see I didn’t really, REALLY notice I was fat until recently when I didn’t recognise myself in photos, I always thought I hid my weight well under my clothes and hourglass body shape, then all of a sudden - it hit me like a bus, a big “ALANNA YOU ARE FAT” bus. My weight has been creeping up for some time and I remember being young and my mum saying “it’s okay being a size 14 now but what happens when one day your an 18 and can’t fit into clothes.” I’m now a size 18 but not for much longer, my goal is to lose 25 Kilos.

I will work at this and for the next 12 weeks I vow to push myself harder, stop making excuses and just fucking doing it. As one of my personal trainers once commented “you didn’t get fat over night so you’re not going to get skinny over night either”..harsh but true. So please join me on my journey, follow my blog and see my progress! I swear to sweet Cheeses I won’t let you or myself down.

Cheese out xx


  1. This is great! I've just signed up for the 12wbt too. Am a little scared, but also excited. I've bookmarked your blog and looking forward to watching your journey, which I'm sure will keep me entertained and hopefully motivated ;-)

  2. Hey Ames

    Great to have you on board :) Do you have a blog yourself? I'd love to follow you back!

  3. I'm a cheese lover too... You will LOVE the grape, feta and walnut salad! Hang out for that one :)

    Welcome to 12WBT!


  4. That sounds so yum!! Thanks for the tip Terra :)
