Monday, 21 May 2012

Im sorry mama, I never meant to hurt you, I never meant to make you cry but tonight...

I'M CLEANING OUT MY CLOSET. Sorry for the Eminem reference but task 5 is all about the kitchen makeover and cleaning out your kitchen closet! Now as fun as it sounds to bin a whole bunch of food, this task is a no go for me. My living situation makes this task impossible, I live in 2 houses and neither are mine.

Here's the situation - Half the week I'm situated in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne living with my parents. My parents are fantastic and so supportive but there is no way that two traditional Italians are going to rid their pantry of staples like pasta and biscuits - it'd be like Charlie Sheen ridding his house of prostitutes and drugs.. not.gonna.happen. The other half of the week I live with my boyfriend and his two housemates in the South East - his house is a man cave! There is junk food everywhere and very limited space which means I can't keep much of my own food there, it also means I can't just go around like a junk food Nazi and throw out all their food. 

So I have legit reasons but being a optimist - here's what I plan to do. GROW SOME SELF CONTROL. Ok let's be honest here.. if the food is not at your house, it could be at work, in the supermarket, in your car, at your friends place, down your bra...ok that one might just be me but you catch my drift. Food is everywhere you go and at some stage its important to grow resistant to temptation, which is what I have to will do. I will also allow anyone to tackle me to the ground if they see me drooling over the junk food! 

Did anyone else have any problems with this task? I could see myself wanting to jump in Michelle's bin after those tim tams!

Cheese out xx   

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOOOO WELCOME ABOARD CRAZY CHEESE LADY! I'm sure you are totally going to kick some arse!
