Thursday, 10 May 2012

Does coughing up a lung count towards weight loss?

I really hope so because the rate I'm going I might cough up what I ate for lunch too! That's right - I'm sick, respiratory tract infection to be exact.. or in my words THE WORST COUGH EVER. My body is dying for some loving in the form of a cheese toastie and a hot chocolate and I must say that I'm starting to regret my decision to start this in winter (excuse?). Today is pre-season task 2 time and after convincing myself to stop watching repeats of The Bachelor I pushed through and started the task. After 3 goes of watching the video, I am now lying in bed pondering what my goals are and how I'll achieve them. I know I want to lose weight (duh) but I have no idea what kind of time frame I should put on losing 25kg and I can't exactly write "do 12wbt" in all the execution boxes. HELP!? Maybe my mind is just not functioning properly but this is hard. I have decided to just list a few of my little goals below. Here it goes:
  1. Fit into snow gear - 29 June
  2. Be able to buy a cute dress for my 21st - July 7
  3. Weigh less than my boyfriend by end of 12wbt
  4. Lose 25kg
  5. Not feel the need to include cheese in all meals
  6. Get over this bloody cough ASAP
Ok so that's all I could muster up but I will revisit this task when I'm feeling a bit more vivacious!

Hope you are all doing better than me on this task - comment below and let me know what your goals are and how you plan to achieve them!

Cheese out xx


  1. I've set myself only 2 goals - to lose the pregnancy weight (approx 5kg, so 2kg a month) and to be able to run 5km by the end of the 12 weeks. I've already started on the running part with my couch-5k app that I'm using (this has proved really good motivation already, wouldn't have gone out if I hadn't needed to do this every couple of days). The weight I'm hoping will just follow as a result of better eating.

    I'd been wondering if winter's the best time to be doing this too, was one of my largest apprehensions before taking the plunge and signing up. But just think about how great we'll look in spring, all ready for the bathers in summer ;-).

    I hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. Hi Ames - they seem like great and achieveable goals! Very S-M-A-R-T :). You're defiantly right, no time is the right time but at least we will be looking smoking in summer, we'll just have to battle the cold until then!
