Saturday, 2 June 2012

Cooking up a storm

Or at least - making my house look like a storm has hit it!! First let me start off by saying that I am no chef, I always say I got all the bad genes of being Italian (big nose, short, huge hips) and all the good ones,such as being a good cook, flew passed me and hit some other egg! Today I attacked the markets with my mum (THANKS MUM!) to buy some food for this week. Seriously - I could write a whole blog about how bad the drivers in the Northern suburbs are but I'd hate to get off topic! I amazingly only spent $32 including some snacks but chose to leave the proteins such as fish to later in the week to buy. Looking at the menu I think there was only one freezable dish so I decided to cook double the recipe and freeze 4 tubs of the beef soup. My whole house now smells like Christmas - cinnamon, star anise and ginger mmmm and the soup doesn't taste half bad! I decided to freeze it all with the meat etc just so I can grab and go - here's how they looked..

I've lined my kitchen pantry with this weeks menus and dinner recipes. I've made little freezer bags with exactly 50g of muesli. I've written how many calories are in each of my snacks on the packaging and I'm raring to go - hear me ROARRRR.

I am yet to measure myself and do the fitness test. Unfortunately that chest infection now might be whopping cough and subsequently I have bruised ribs and a pulled muscle in my back and when I try to exercises I end up in a fit of coughs - external excuse outside my control! I did try do everything except the running this morning and let me tell you, I'm defiantly a beginner (I'm going to blame my injuries ;) ). Weigh in and x rated photos will come tomorrow - I might just post a PG version here.

Make sure you all get your cooking mitts on!

Cheese out xx

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