Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Gym clothes for the big hipped woman

Or rather, lack of the above! Yesterday I took it upon myself to start to gear up for the next 12 weeks! I will be mainly working out at the gym (or ‘health club’ as us fancy people like to call it) and I thought that buying some cute gym clothes would put me in the right frame of mind.

Now firstly, to fully understand my situation – let me tell you about my gym, the gym of death (death to my self esteem). For whatever reason everyone who goes to my gym is a sign of perfection – they are fit, toned and sexy, I am by far the most unfit person there and I stand out like grapes on a cheese platter. 

Secondly, my hips. Commonly known as ‘child baring hips’ I have the body shape of a true woman on steroids. During puberty my body didn’t know when or how to stop and I ended up with two massive boulders on either side of my body. 

Combine both of the above and you’ll soon realise that the gym for me is where I not only feel completely of place but I look it too. My solution to my problem was to completely gear up in these gorgeous bright coloured clothes that everyone else was wearing, then I would fit in and might look half decent too. So off I set to Rebel Sport, Lorna Jane, Target, Kmart, Adidas and eBay only to find that all the gym clothes completely cut in to my hips! Hours of shopping and I walked away with not a thing except hurt pride and laughing cow cheese. Where are the gym clothes for us big hipped girls, huh!? Until someone invents some I guess I’ll be working out in tights and a bonds hoodie – oh the horrible horrible sight of me in tights – I’ll spare you all and not include a picture!

Cheese out xx


  1. Instead of child bearing hips I have been blessed with the stomach of a 8month preggers woman. Blerk. I look totally AMAZING amongst the Lorna Plains in my 3/4 black Kmart 'walking' pants & oversized Black men's bonds T-shirt. Soon we will be uber hawt.

  2. Damn straight we will be. Oh and if it makes you feel better, I've got the preggers tummy AND the child baring hips - or as I fondly call it - the Double whammy!
