Saturday, 26 May 2012

I'm obese

That's right, obese - according to my BMI on the 12wbt website. I must say that I totally didn't see that one coming! Overweight -yes, obese - REALLY? When I picture obese, I see someone getting crane lifted out of their bedroom, not me. I've tried not to let that word play too much on my mind but for some reason it's killed my spirit a little bit - like suddenly its become to hard; I didn't even let my boyfriend see me in a singlet top because I didn't want to burn his eyes with my obese goodness! I will need to lose the 25 kilos before I'm considered to be (on the top end) of a healthy weight range for my height (yes I'm a total short ass, maybe if I wore some heals I could cheat the system..mmmm). Im not going to give up and I'm going to try be good this weekend, despite having already had a binge on cheesy pizza and Nerds... although it is that T.O.M and I have raging hormones so I might change my mind in a second! BRING ON THE CHOCOLATE.

That's all for now, or is it... yeah it is.. AND WHERE'S MY CHOCOLATE.

Cheese out xx


  1. OK OK OK CALM DOWN. DEEP BREATHS. DO NOT. I REPEAT... DO NOT LOOK AT THE BMI. Biggest load of horse shit ever. I have a PT at my gym who weighs almost the same as me & she as 0% body fat but is ripped as. Measurements are ALL that matters!!!!!

  2. Haha thanks Vicki, seriously had a massive freak out. Measuring tonight - I hope the tape measure will make it around my hips! ekkkk Wish me luck
