Tuesday, 12 June 2012

One week down, Eleven to go

Ok here comes the wrap up (no I’m not using mountain bread!) from week one of the 12wbt. Week one was surprising, there was highs, lows and everything in between.

The good – I stuck to the diet (almost) 100% and liked the food, I went to the gym for 5 days out of 7, I was and still am dead set organised – signs everywhere and endless amounts of pre packaged snacks.

The bad – My cheat meal became a cheat long weekend, I gave up too easily when exercising, I didn’t see a weight loss on weigh in day, I had plenty of negative self talk.

The ugly - My before photo, me after the SSS, me working out in general, me stuffing mouthfuls of pizza, cheese and custard down my throat and the sight of my kitchen after a cook up!

So there it is, week one in three simple categories. All over I don’t feel like I did horrible, but I didn’t do great either. I did weigh myself on Saturday and had a loss of 1.2kg (although I think I would have put that back on after the weekend)   

This week I want to improve on my willpower and I really want to see a loss!  I can’t lose track of my goals and I have to keep pushing on even if I’m not motivated or not in an ideal situation. It’s probably not a good sign that I’m cheating the diet after one week but I plan to rectify myself this week! Stay tuned

Cheese out xx  

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