Wednesday, 27 June 2012

SSS, my first proper 1000 calories

My post on my exercise drought made me realise I NEED to do the SSS and I need to do it right. So bright (well dark) and early I climbed in to the driver’s seat of my hatchback piece of junk and drove my ass my work in the city ON A SATURDAY. I parked my car, walked to the gym and thought there had been a zombie apocalypse! There was no one around! Not a sole. My gym looked like a desert.. no not a dessert. 

Not a sole in sight

I started off by doing 500 calories on the xtrainer, then rowing, then running, then some arm thing that made me want to die, finished by the bike - 1000 calories gone forever! After an hour and a half it was hard to keep going but I pushed through until I hit 2 hours and 10 minutes.  It was a good feeling and I hope I remember that feeling when I do the same thing next week! What wasn't a good feeling was my knee condition playing up and not being able to walk all weekend - will have to keep trying until I find an excercise routine that works!

Cheese out xx

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