Friday, 22 June 2012

Excercise drought!

When Michelle told us to plan and map out our red flag days, to be honest, I didn't really see the point. Why would I have to work out how to get around these days, I'd just do it when the time came around. Now having experinced a complete red flag week - I know what she was on about! I'd describe week 3 as excercise drought - Monday I went to the gym, Tuesday was a day full of disasters and arguments which resulted in zero excercise, Wednesday I had my bowel prep for my colonoscopy, Thursday my colonoscopy and Friday (today) I'm sitting in bed trying my best to go into auto pilot and get some excercise in but after the drought I'm just so goddam lazy! I really should have planned all this better and I should really stop finding excuses not to get back in to it. 

Drinking this should be classified as a workout, YUK!

I'm happy to announce that my results came back and nothing is wrong with me - apart from my gluten, lactose and sorbitol intolerances. I'm also happy to annouce that I was weighed at the hospital and my weight was down to 86.1! However for our sakes I'll stick to my scales which indicated I'm 86.9. This week has taught me to be more prepared, to listen to Michelle and to not under-estimate the power of bowel prep (when they say to stay close to a toilet - they mean it!). 

A quick shout out to my biggest supporters (who are prepared to tackle me if I even look at a biscuit) Vanessa and Amy who nominated my blog in this weeks 'weekly suprise'! With any luck we might be sipping on some new tea soon :)

Cheese out xx  

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