Monday, 18 June 2012

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change

And change I have. It’s been only 2 weeks and I can already see the change in myself (and others can too!). I am way more determined than I have ever been, I find myself going into auto pilot and showing up to the gym when before I would have needed a crane to lift me up and drag me there! My will power is growing – just yesterday I went to the pancake parlour (YES A PARLOUR OF PANCAKES!) and ordered a water. My self-talk has become really strong and positive, I find my head yelling at me saying “you can work harder than that, yes you can, do it, go go go, the weight can’t work itself off”. This is crazy, I don’t know who this new Alanna is but I like her, she kicks ass, she doesn’t care what people think of her, she is proving she can succeed and she’s here to stay! Week 2 was awesome  - I gave my exercise and nutrition 110.25% - and can I just mention THE FOOD IS DELICIOUS.  I saw a weight loss and my boyfriend said he could notice my tummy wasn’t so enlarged! I’m pumped and excited for week 3 – This week I have my colonoscopy which means 2 days of not eating fruit/veg/grains and 1 day of eating nothing and most likely limited exercise – yes it’s a red flag – yes I will work through it and I will ‘shake what my mumma gave me”. Wish me luck!

Cheese out xx  

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