Wednesday, 27 June 2012

SSS, my first proper 1000 calories

My post on my exercise drought made me realise I NEED to do the SSS and I need to do it right. So bright (well dark) and early I climbed in to the driver’s seat of my hatchback piece of junk and drove my ass my work in the city ON A SATURDAY. I parked my car, walked to the gym and thought there had been a zombie apocalypse! There was no one around! Not a sole. My gym looked like a desert.. no not a dessert. 

Not a sole in sight

I started off by doing 500 calories on the xtrainer, then rowing, then running, then some arm thing that made me want to die, finished by the bike - 1000 calories gone forever! After an hour and a half it was hard to keep going but I pushed through until I hit 2 hours and 10 minutes.  It was a good feeling and I hope I remember that feeling when I do the same thing next week! What wasn't a good feeling was my knee condition playing up and not being able to walk all weekend - will have to keep trying until I find an excercise routine that works!

Cheese out xx

Friday, 22 June 2012

Excercise drought!

When Michelle told us to plan and map out our red flag days, to be honest, I didn't really see the point. Why would I have to work out how to get around these days, I'd just do it when the time came around. Now having experinced a complete red flag week - I know what she was on about! I'd describe week 3 as excercise drought - Monday I went to the gym, Tuesday was a day full of disasters and arguments which resulted in zero excercise, Wednesday I had my bowel prep for my colonoscopy, Thursday my colonoscopy and Friday (today) I'm sitting in bed trying my best to go into auto pilot and get some excercise in but after the drought I'm just so goddam lazy! I really should have planned all this better and I should really stop finding excuses not to get back in to it. 

Drinking this should be classified as a workout, YUK!

I'm happy to announce that my results came back and nothing is wrong with me - apart from my gluten, lactose and sorbitol intolerances. I'm also happy to annouce that I was weighed at the hospital and my weight was down to 86.1! However for our sakes I'll stick to my scales which indicated I'm 86.9. This week has taught me to be more prepared, to listen to Michelle and to not under-estimate the power of bowel prep (when they say to stay close to a toilet - they mean it!). 

A quick shout out to my biggest supporters (who are prepared to tackle me if I even look at a biscuit) Vanessa and Amy who nominated my blog in this weeks 'weekly suprise'! With any luck we might be sipping on some new tea soon :)

Cheese out xx  

Monday, 18 June 2012

Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change

And change I have. It’s been only 2 weeks and I can already see the change in myself (and others can too!). I am way more determined than I have ever been, I find myself going into auto pilot and showing up to the gym when before I would have needed a crane to lift me up and drag me there! My will power is growing – just yesterday I went to the pancake parlour (YES A PARLOUR OF PANCAKES!) and ordered a water. My self-talk has become really strong and positive, I find my head yelling at me saying “you can work harder than that, yes you can, do it, go go go, the weight can’t work itself off”. This is crazy, I don’t know who this new Alanna is but I like her, she kicks ass, she doesn’t care what people think of her, she is proving she can succeed and she’s here to stay! Week 2 was awesome  - I gave my exercise and nutrition 110.25% - and can I just mention THE FOOD IS DELICIOUS.  I saw a weight loss and my boyfriend said he could notice my tummy wasn’t so enlarged! I’m pumped and excited for week 3 – This week I have my colonoscopy which means 2 days of not eating fruit/veg/grains and 1 day of eating nothing and most likely limited exercise – yes it’s a red flag – yes I will work through it and I will ‘shake what my mumma gave me”. Wish me luck!

Cheese out xx  

Friday, 15 June 2012


It took 2 weeks but the cheese cravings have begun. I’d be willing to starve for 6 days if I could use my 1200 x 7 calories on a cheese platter today. Im day dreaming of crumbling blue cheese rolling down into my mouth! It’s getting serious. I know I’m allowed to have cheese as a snack but I seriously don’t think I’d be able to stop once I start. Is anyone else struggling with cravings?

Side note: Weigh in this week – down 1.8kg!

At least that’s a fighting victory against cheese!

As always.... cheese out (of my stomach, fridge and hopefully soon – mind!) xx

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

One week down, Eleven to go

Ok here comes the wrap up (no I’m not using mountain bread!) from week one of the 12wbt. Week one was surprising, there was highs, lows and everything in between.

The good – I stuck to the diet (almost) 100% and liked the food, I went to the gym for 5 days out of 7, I was and still am dead set organised – signs everywhere and endless amounts of pre packaged snacks.

The bad – My cheat meal became a cheat long weekend, I gave up too easily when exercising, I didn’t see a weight loss on weigh in day, I had plenty of negative self talk.

The ugly - My before photo, me after the SSS, me working out in general, me stuffing mouthfuls of pizza, cheese and custard down my throat and the sight of my kitchen after a cook up!

So there it is, week one in three simple categories. All over I don’t feel like I did horrible, but I didn’t do great either. I did weigh myself on Saturday and had a loss of 1.2kg (although I think I would have put that back on after the weekend)   

This week I want to improve on my willpower and I really want to see a loss!  I can’t lose track of my goals and I have to keep pushing on even if I’m not motivated or not in an ideal situation. It’s probably not a good sign that I’m cheating the diet after one week but I plan to rectify myself this week! Stay tuned

Cheese out xx  

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Gym antics

Ok when I started this blog I promised you full disclosure to the good, the bad and the ugly, so today I'm going to talk about things that grind my gears about the gym! Here we go:
Loud people

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not the quietest person at the gym but one thing I cannot stand is overly loud people! Half the time I'm wondering around in the morning and stop suddenly in my tracks "hang on, did I accidentally walk in to a brothel." Some people really sound like they are making love with the machines "ohhh ahhh, ohh yeahhhh like thatttt..." SERIOUSLY.. no. I should not have to blush while waiting for a machine just because you've decided to get intimate. 

Boobs in my face

After a long work out I look disgusting - my hair is a fizz ball, my face could be passed off as a large tomato and my clothes are dampingly hanging off my body, I simply can't wait to fix myself up. After looking around I finally find a spot on a bench in front of the mirror, look up and what do I see... BOOBS (not mine). Full frontal girls standing in front of the mirror doing their makeup. I'm sorry love but put some god damn clothes on! Once again its a gym not a brothel. There's one girl who I see nearly every morning, she does her hair in the nude, makeup in the nude and then goes into the toilets to put her clothes on - why? I've already seen everything there is to see!

The awkward break up

Does anyone else go to the gym with their old personal trainer? Well I do. Personal training just got to expensive and I really didn't see the worth, so I simply dumped my trainer. It now feels like I'm trying to dodge an ex boyfriend! From the change rooms to the gym I run like a little girl trying to avoid him. I keep my eyes pinned on the floor and avoid the danger zones at all cost - its horrible! When we do happen to bang into each other, I'm ridden with guilt and I can see him looking at me like a traitor! I feel like breaking out the old line "its not you, its me!"

Anyway that's a few things that get on my nerves about the gym! Let me know what pisses you off! :)   

Cheese out xx

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Fit me in and measure me up

Let me begin this post by saying - so far so good! Yum Yum Yum - the food is so good and I haven't even been hungry!! I've excercised once this week already and considering I'm sick HOORAH TO ME :D Here are my starting stats:


WEIGHT: 89.7
BOOBS: 111
GUNS: 32

At least both sides of my body are the same (small victory!)

Im beginner on all the fitness tests (suprise suprise) - I can not run.

I'm choosing not to post my pictures on the basis of my reaction if I have to see them again so sorry about that, but maybe once I'm sexy - I'll let you see ;) !

Cheese out xx

Monday, 4 June 2012

I'm in shock

And I think I may just cry (I completely take back my judgements of the biggest loser contestants - this journey is emotional!). As you may have guessed, I just gave in and shot my before photo and it only took a one second look at the image of myself for me to completely tear up. I'm seriously hideous and I can't believe I've been in denial for so long. For some reason what I see in the mirror isn't the same as what popped up on that camera and I'm in shock at how bad my body has gotten. I'm not even 21 and I've destroyed my body to the point I don't know if I can fix it - stretch marks, cellulite and most of all FAT. I feel like I never want to leave the house again. Unfortunately gym is scheduled for tomorrow bright and early so I better suck it up and go to sleep.

Cheese out xx

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Cooking up a storm

Or at least - making my house look like a storm has hit it!! First let me start off by saying that I am no chef, I always say I got all the bad genes of being Italian (big nose, short, huge hips) and all the good ones,such as being a good cook, flew passed me and hit some other egg! Today I attacked the markets with my mum (THANKS MUM!) to buy some food for this week. Seriously - I could write a whole blog about how bad the drivers in the Northern suburbs are but I'd hate to get off topic! I amazingly only spent $32 including some snacks but chose to leave the proteins such as fish to later in the week to buy. Looking at the menu I think there was only one freezable dish so I decided to cook double the recipe and freeze 4 tubs of the beef soup. My whole house now smells like Christmas - cinnamon, star anise and ginger mmmm and the soup doesn't taste half bad! I decided to freeze it all with the meat etc just so I can grab and go - here's how they looked..

I've lined my kitchen pantry with this weeks menus and dinner recipes. I've made little freezer bags with exactly 50g of muesli. I've written how many calories are in each of my snacks on the packaging and I'm raring to go - hear me ROARRRR.

I am yet to measure myself and do the fitness test. Unfortunately that chest infection now might be whopping cough and subsequently I have bruised ribs and a pulled muscle in my back and when I try to exercises I end up in a fit of coughs - external excuse outside my control! I did try do everything except the running this morning and let me tell you, I'm defiantly a beginner (I'm going to blame my injuries ;) ). Weigh in and x rated photos will come tomorrow - I might just post a PG version here.

Make sure you all get your cooking mitts on!

Cheese out xx